Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Vous avez un guide en anglais, svp?

Years ago it was mostly Germans, British and Americans who were the tourists in Paris. Today it seems that the whole world has descended upon Paris. A glimpse at the guidebooks for sale tell it all. It can be a chore to ferret out a guide in English. Who are these people? And what languages are they speaking? Click on the image of some books for sale on the Champs Elysées. What is Sav Pariz? Or Egésc Parizs? Or .....?
Paris is a very large city and the tourists are spread out so it is not as crowded as Rome. The wide boulevards and massive parks and plazas can accommodate them. Paris is beautiful, monumental, magnificent; Rome is eternal, but smaller so the same tourists are really squished and move through the tourist areas packed together like sardines.

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